Since 1969, the mission of the Realtors® Political Action Committee (RPAC) has been to identify candidates for elected office on the local, state and national levels who will work with Realtors® to promote and protect the real estate industry and private property rights, as well as support or combat issues of importance to Realtors®.
Candidates that receive support from RPAC are not selected based on their political party affiliation, but solely on their support of real estate issues. The money to provide this support does not come from member dues: it comes directly from voluntary contributions made by Realtors® to RPAC, in recognition of how important campaign fundraising and issues management is to the political process. RPAC doesn’t buy votes, it provides Realtors® with a way to support candidates who support Realtors’® issues, profession and livelihood. RPAC is the only grassroots force that exists to protect and promote the tradition of homeownership and real estate investment.
RPAC is a key component of The Realtor® Party. The Realtor® Party is a powerful alliance of Realtors® and Realtor® associations working to protect and promote homeownership and property investment. The Realtor® Party speaks with one voice to advance candidates and public policies that build strong communities and promote a vibrant business environment. From city hall to the state house to the U.S. Capitol, elected officials make decisions that have a huge impact on the bottom line of Realtors® and their customers. The Realtor® Party represents your interests and is funded through contributions to RPAC.
Contributions to RPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and are used for political purposes. Contributions are not a condition of membership in the Association and a member may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Seventy percent of each contribution is provided to the Florida Realtors® PAC in Florida to support state and local candidates and state and local issues. The balance is sent to the National Association of REALTORS® Political Action Committee and will be charged against your contribution limits prescribed by 52 U.S.C 301106, except when donations are made from corporate funds or are designated cases in which case the balance is provided to the National Association of REALTORS® Political Advocacy Fund for use for federal political purpose.